Guardian Security Screens

Have a security screen-related question? Guardian Security Screens has the answer. Check out these FAQs and call (602) 342-9944 today for more information and a free, in-person estimate within 48 hours!

  • How long will the installation process take?

    Installation duration varies based on the project scope. Typically, we complete most installations within a single day.

  • What's the expected wait time for installation?

    Guardian Security Screens prides itself on minimal wait times, thanks to our local manufacturing process. Typically, our customers see wait times ranging from 3 to 5 weeks.

  • Do your products come with a warranty?

    Absolutely! We provide a 10-year warranty for our security screens and a limited lifetime warranty for our security film.

  • Home security, is it worth it?

    Short answer? Yes, absolutely. Studies show that home security provides an amazing deterrent to would-be burglars. However, when combined with our security screens, burglars won’t even bother. If they do, they would have to spend a very long time trying to get through Crimsafe screens. 

  • Is there a warranty?

    Yes, we offer a 10-year warranty on security screens and a limited lifetime warranty on our security film.

  • Will your security screens let me get out of my house in an emergency?

    Our Safe-S-Cape emergency exit window screens from Crimsafe allow for keyless exit through windows in the event of an emergency, while still providing heavy-duty security from the outside. Choose from hinged or sliding options to accommodate a variety of window styles.

  • Will my security screens rust?

    No. We use Crimsafe mesh which is made from 304 Grade stainless steel, which on its own has a lifespan of approximately 65 years. Crimsafe mesh is prepared using a high-grade pre-treatment and then coated with a high durability UV fade-resistant powder coating to further protect and enhance the finished product. Provided the underlying pre-treatment remains intact, Crimsafe mesh will not rust.

  • How do I clean my security screens?

    Regular maintenance involves a wash down of frames and mesh with Crimsafe Wash and Wax (or a regular car wash and wax) in warm water using either a soft non-abrasive brush, followed by clean water wipe down. In our desert climate, your screens should be cleaned every 6 months or so.

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